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International Sexology
International Sexology


It is the process of cutting the skin fold that covers the head of the penis known as the foreskin, closing the incision and exposing the head of the penis. It is widely applied in Islam and Judaism. Jews usually perform circumcision as soon as children are born. The benefits of circumcision have been reported as a reduced rate of sexually transmitted diseases, less common exposure to urinary tract infections, especially in childhood, reduced risk of penile cancer, and reduced risk of endometrial cancer in the person’s sexual partner.Sometimes, the tip of the penis may be almost completely closed (phimosis), where the foreskin cannot be stretched to allow it to be pulled back. This can lead to infections and abscesses in the penis. The foreskin may obstruct the blood circulation in the penis by applying pressure on it (paraphimosis). Taking this skin by circumcision provides a solution to such complaints. Circumcision should not be turned into a trauma for the child. If the child is old enough to understand that circumcision will be performed, and he associates this even with maturity, circumcision can be performed under local anesthesia. Circumcision is a surgical procedure. It should definitely be performed by a surgeon.

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