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Male to Female Gender Reassignment Surgery

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International Sexology

Male to Female Gender Reassignment Surgery

Surgeries for the partial or complete gender reassignment of trans women are performed to solve discrepancies between the person’s sex assigned at birth and their gender identity. Many individuals prefer to be defined as just male or female to avoid being defined as trans by having gender reassignment surgery. For this reason, in order to have the physical features of ones gender identity, it is needed to undergo a series of surgeries, hormone therapy and psychological preparations. The processes of trans individuals deciding on surgery for gender reassignment cover the fulfillment of legal and medical requirements. Legally, the gender reassignment of an individual requires compliance with terms related to age and marital status, while the fulfillment and timing of economic conditions in the medical process stand out. Cases where the individual does not prefer to undergo gender reassignment through surgical intervention do not necessarily mean they are not a trans individual or their gender identity matches their biological sex. Surgeries for male to female gender reassignment include breast augmentation (breast implants), bilateral orchiectomy (removal of the testicles on both sides), facial feminization surgery (FFS), hair transplantation (making the hairline feminine), body aesthetics (buttock and body shaping), vaginoplasty (transformation of the penis into a vagina and creation of a neovagina). These procedures also require the patient to undergo hormone treatment.

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